The Process

We listened to you

Over the past few years, the City has gathered feedback from residents about their priorities for the community center and conducted a Comprehensive Community Center Master Plan Study to assess the community center and better understand its challenges.

After reviewing the facilities study and feedback from residents, City leaders drafted a proposal for the new community center for state lawmakers to review. During the 2023 Legislative session, state lawmakers authorized Brooklyn Center to present voters with a local half-percent sales tax to raise up to $44 million, plus financing costs. The State Legislature also approved $5.1 million from state bonding funds to support this project, if matched by local funding.

Brooklyn Center residents helped shape this plan

Residents helped the City prioritize improvements for the community center. We heard from residents through:

  • Pop-up community engagement events: 630 participants

  • Community surveys: 248 respondents

  • Emails to residents and local organizations: 600+ touchpoints

  • Social media: 2500+ interactions

  • Online Engagement: 1050 visits

  • Focus group and strategic partnerships: 32 discussions

Local residents identified needs including:

  • A designated space for teenagers to safely gather and hang out

  • Flexible meeting and event spaces

  • Additional cultural, educational and fitness programs and amenities

The feedback from our community was clear — the community center no longer provides the recreational and educational opportunities and programs that residents are seeking.

Learn more about the proposed plan