Our Center Our Future

Planning for a brighter future at the
Brooklyn Center Community Center

Brooklyn Center is a dynamic and welcoming community, where we celebrate the cultures that make this place special. As our population evolves, the City is committed to providing the services our community needs to connect, learn and grow together now and in the future.

A plan to reinvest

The City is proposing a $49.1 million investment plan, called “Our Center Our Future,” to renovate and expand the community center that was built more than 50 years ago. The heavily used facility requires major repairs and updates to better serve residents of all ages. Through surveys and in other engagement, residents emphasized the need for more spaces that are able to support community meetings and events, as well as courts, an indoor walking and jogging track and a designated area for our teens; who need a safe place to learn, have fun and foster community.

An important decision for our community

This November, Brooklyn Center voters will consider a half-percent local option sales tax to help fund this investment plan for the community center.

Recognizing that this is an important community decision, the City created this website to provide residents with information about the project.

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